- Osobnosti / Personalities
- Mosbach
- Logos Hope in 2020 (video 50', Seelan at 19.25')
- George Verwer
- George Verwer
- Logos Hope and George Verwer
- No hope for South Africa
- The Boer War
- Bill Warner: 1400 years of fear / Proč se bojíme muslimů - české titulky
- Schueftan: Arabové jsou nebezpeční, nepouštějte je sem - English audio
- Zeman: Zabraňme superholokaustu!
- Is the Middle East doomed to political instability?
- Wikileaks (see attachments)
- Orbánův projev o Evropě, migraci, terorismu a Trumpovi
- Social inequality
- The Henley Passport Index
- Democracy Index 2018
- The road to World War 3 - call to active resistance
- Why Ukraine crisis is the West's fault
- Ukrajina - Rusové mají pravdu?
- Ukrajina - lepší kvalita mapy (rusky)
- Ztracená evangelia - pravda o křesťanství
- 20 myths from American history
- Europe 1140-2012 (video)
- Roman Empire (gif)
- Rukopisy po dvou stech letech
- Rukopisy zajímavým dokladem české mystifikační tvořivosti
- Bohumil Doležal: Přednášky
- Roger Penrose: Time has no beginning and big bang wrong
- Carl Sagan: Pale Blue Dot
- Zvuky z planety Jupitera Ganymede / Sounds from Jupiter's Ganymede
- Climate change: Myth versus facts
- Podle vědců se blíží další doba ledová
- Jak probíhalo globální vymírání?
- First evidence that amino acids formed soon after the Big Bang
- Facts about DNA
- Humans have made 8.3bn tons of plastic since 1950. This is the illustrated story of where it's gone
- What will get flooded if the seas go up
- Jak funguje fúzní elektrárna a proč se jí hned tak nedočkáme (2023)
- When the Solar storm happens...
- Richard Feynman: The character of physical law (1964)
- Richard Feynman: The character of physical law - Lecture 5
- Examples of chemical reactions in everyday life
- Tajemný svět alchymie
- History of electricity
- The 5 great schools of ancient Greek philosophy
- Tao v životě moderního člověka - 1. díl
- Cousin relationships explained
- We are all one family - the entire human race
- Vaculík: Zima bylo, chumelilo...
- As science develops, more holes show up in evolutionary theory
- The first Americans didn't arrive by the Bering land bridge
- Genetic proof of interbreeding between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens
- DNA evidence for early 'mystery' humans
- The mysterious homo species: Denisovans (2022)
- The oldest human ancestor uncovered (2017)
- Homo Erectus in Asia (2014)
- First humans - Episode 1
- 10 mysterious extinct human species
- Surprising facts about early humans and evolution (2023)
- Are we the last Neanderthals? (2013)
- Who were the Neanderthals? (2018)
- Neandertals within us
- The secrets of the Neandertal (video)
- Entire Neanderthal genome finally mapped – with amazing results
- Neandertálské dědictví
- Ötzi: The Frozen Man from the Alps (video, 19 minutes)
- What on Earth happened to the old Europeans? Pre-Indo-European history of Europe
- What on Earth happened to the old Indo-Europeans? (video, 12 minutes)
- Origins of the Slavs (37' video, 2024)
- The oldest inscription among Slavs
- History of the Jews - summary from 750 BC to Israel-Palestine conflict
- The medieval alchemists of Prague
- The legend of the Golem
- The legend of the Golem of Prague
- Facts about the Celts
- Celtic Boii people of Bohemia (2023)
- Staří Keltové věřili, že duše stromů a lidí se navzájem převtělují
- Stromy jako bytosti
- History of Russia
- Maps of vast empires that no longer exist
- Historical atlas of the twentieth century
- History of Western Europe year by year on a map
/ 6000 let Evropy ve 3 minutách
- History of Bohemia (631 - 2016)
- Czech contributions to American sciences (2022)
- History of Czech basic education
- The mysterious journey of the Czechoslovak legions/
- Czechoslovak Legions of World War I (1) video
- Czechoslovak Legions of World War I (2) video
- HISTORIE: Vznik spoločného štátu Čechov a Slovákov (1)
- HISTORIE: Vznik spoločného štátu Čechov a Slovákov (2)
- HISTORIE: Vznik spoločného štátu Čechov a Slovákov (3)
- Rudolf Medek: Anabase (román z války)
- Květnová revoluce v Praze 1945 (8 mm bez zvuku)
- Květnová revoluce v Praze 1945 (TV dokument)
- History Of The Russian Cossacks Until World War I
- The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (1918)
- A Boer girl in the South African concentration camps
- Book: Postal history of Boer prisoners of war in Bermuda (1)
- Book: Postal history of Boer prisoners of war in Bermuda (2)
- Irish Republican Army: Timeline
- Lilie pod klopou, lilie za mřížemi (rukopis o skautingu, dopsáno do r. 1968)
- The oldest song in the world
- The meaning of Yin and Yang
- Klasické sochy v barvách / Greek and Roman sculptures in colour
- Universal Slavonic language Slovio
- Universal Slavonic language Interslavic
- Slavic tribes (video)
- Slavic tribes (list)
- Kto sú Rusi? Kto sú Slovania? (mají pravdu??)
- Co prozradila DNA o původu Čechů: Nepocházíme z Evropy, pramatka byla Helena
- Většina Čechů si mylně myslí, že jsme Slované. Testy DNA ale tvrdí něco jiného
- Proč přišel praotec Čech k nám? Byl to vrah, musel utéct
- Very old photos / Staré fotky (anglické popisky)
- Oldest Film Ever Recorded - 1874
- Photos of interesting places / Zajímavé fotky (anglické popisky)
- Images from the past
- Rare photos / Historické fotky (anglické popisky)
- 30 historical photographs
- 30 history photos from the past
- Bizarre photos/
- Oldest colour photos/
- Co uvezou / Load it up
- First flight with the Wright Brothers through rare photographs, 1902-1909
- Tatraplán, VW Beatle's quirky Czech mate
- How things found their colours
- Extremely magnified photos of plants
- Top 5 fruits for weight loss
- Mobilní telefony mohou stát v pozadí mírného nárůstu nádorů mozku
- Lesk a bída neurovědy
- Protein synthesis (1971)
- UCT: The source of cosciousness (1h 30' video, 2021)
- Of telepathic dogs and morphic fields
- Čeští psychopati jsou na světové úrovni
- Radkin Honzák: Neil Armstrong byl ukázkový psychopat. Bezchybný a přirozený vůdce
- Dark lessons of love
- Why sex makes women fall in love and men fall asleep
- Baz Luhrmann: Everybody's free to wear sunscreen
- Baz Luhrmann: Everybody's free to wear sunscreen (text)
- Native American proverbs and sayings
- Gretchen Rubin: The four tendencies (1st chapter)
- Introvert vs extrovert
- 13 things mentally strong people don’t do
- How to be more confident
- How to improve learning and maximize retention
- The 9 qualities that help you thrive under pressure
- Dr. Travis Bradberry: How to spot a truly exceptional employee - personality (2019)
- Filters in Harmony feat: Buffett and Munger, Scott Adams, Jordan Peterson, Rogan and Altucher
- Get smarter about stupidity
- 14 things introverts wish you understood about them
- An illustrated book of bad arguments
- Brainteasers are a complete waste of time when hiring employees (click on PS...)
- George Orwell on English:
6 Questions/6 Rules
- Eric Idle: Galaxy song from Monty Python's 'The meaning of life' (graphics from NASA)
- Christopher Dominique: Småland!
- Maude and Eugene
- Justin Halpern: All that's left when you die
- Rael’s Intelligent design
- How the method made acting modern (2022)
- Virtual classical gallery
- Other interesting articles
- The history of bridge
- Jokes (WARNING: all kinds)
- Jako Pražáci na Václaváku / Like demonstrating Czechs
- How is South Africa divided - 9 ways
- Facebook: Jak různé jazyky zní těm, kteří je neznají / This is what languages sound like to foreigners
- Church jokes
- Russian jokes
- Computer technical support
/ How to keep a healthy level of insanity
- Paraprosdokian sentences
- Moudra
- What happens when you ask the wrong guy for Photoshop help
- Why I don't play golf / Proč nehraji golf
- No comment / Bez komentáře
- People are awesome / Ti jsou úžasní
- Ellen DeGeneres hosting a magician
- Stockholm - it's not a coincidence!
- Comics - animals etc.
- Naming the dog
- Female driver compilation (WMV)
- Jugler (video)
- Burying a goldfish (video)
- Cheeky monkey / Troufalá opice (video)
- Nothing can hurt him / To je vazba (video)
- Woman parking (video)
- Amateurs at Nurburgring race track (video)
- Jim Benton's comics
- Poorly drawn lines
- The Onion
- Dilbert
- British humour
- BS * WARNING - OFFENSIVE!: Mocking Christianity
- Keith Barry: Brain magic
- Nudemen clock / Hodiny naháčů
- Spider / Chlupatý pavouk
- Psí tanec / Border collie dancing
- Puzzle (in Czech)
- Game: Avoid hit / Hra: Uhni a nenaraz