On the right
- Little Carlien with her best friend Kathleen Prentice, married Williams.
- The captions under the photos have been written by Carlien's father who likes to amuse himself - Carlien is not responsible for them.
Background photo
- Wallpaper in Carlien's old room
13 March 2004: Wedding of Carlien and Seelan Govender
Luděk Vavruch's 1979 clip
1988 campaign against carp
Šiju boty do roboty...
- Video by Andrea, June 2009,
4 minutes
- Šiju boty do roboty...
Komupak? - Pánovi!
Co ti dá? - Hus!
Dáš mi taky kus? - Nedám!
Tak tě shodím s verpánku!
- ***
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Na přehrávání potřebujete Flash player.)
- Password / Heslo: tessa
11 March 2019 (WhatsApp)
- Petr Vavruch: Proč jsi sem dala ten obličej s rovnou pusou?
Carlien: This one 😐? I typed it in as I was sending Milan's video...my feeling in his uncooperation in the reporting.. it was the second attempt of video already. He kept coming right up close to the camera and speaking in baby voice 🙄
Petr Vavruch: Ano, ten obličej. Aha! Ale to mu můžeš odpustit, je fajn, že je takový. Hraje si, je spokojený.
Carlien: Ach jo.. 🙂